Uganda Mission Trip – New projects for 2018

Uganda Mission Trip – New projects for 2018

Published On: July 13, 2018

Uganda Mission Trip – New projects for 2018


Tomorrow I leave for Uganda, my fourth trip in 3 years. We’ve seen some incredible achievements during that time; the development of the special needs unit at Kitazgurugkwa School in Rukungiri being a big highlight. Last year the rehab centre at the Chilli Children headquarters was opened. Amazingly, it was kitted out by a single donation from Kincraig Primary School after all their hard work.

This time around is a visit of firsts. Here are the two main focuses of the trip.

First 25ZERO Kits to be delivered

Nicole and I are so excited that our own project has got off the ground. When Nicole visited Rukungiri a couple of years ago she was horrified to see girls missing school because they didn’t have the supplies they needed to care for themselves during their menstrual cycle. Some were even turning to prostitution as a way to buy supplies. So we started to think, plan, prepare.

This year we’ve been able to put together our first 50 kits that will provide sanitary products for girls at the Mother’s Union. The kit contains everything the girl needs to look after herself and include;

  • Washable mesh Bag x 1
  • Large pad x1
  • Larger liners x 3
  • Small pads x 2
  • Small liners x 8
  • Waterproof, rip-proof washing instructions x 1
  • 25zero wrist bands x 2

The kits have been created in partnership with Honour Your Flow, who provide sustainable, washable sanitary products to women all over the world. For just £25 we are able to put together these brilliant kits that will provide a girl with everything she needs for up to 10 years.

During the visit I will visit the Mother’s Union with some women from our team who will, you’ll be delighted to know, talk to the girls about the kits and how to use them.

We must say a huge thank you to those that have been part of getting us this far. Particular thanks to everyone at Walton le Dale High School, St Peter’s High School and Maya Howell (and those at Blackpool Sixth that support her).

Rushararazi Primary/Pre-Primary School

In an area which sits just above the ‘African Rift Valley’, a 1 hour’s drive each way from our accommodation,  lies this rural and desperately poor region of Bwambara. It is here where Rushararazi Primary School sits. It’s such a poor region that children pay no more than £5 for school fees per term. Some pay even less.

Currently, three nursery classes huddle together in a single wooden structure. Sometimes, they are taught under a tree. This year, we will be part of a wider project to ensure each nursery class receives its own purpose built classroom. Not only will these children begin to enjoy learning in the right setting, but these classrooms are going to be a beacon of hope for future generations to come.

Building in such a stunning, remote (not to mention hot) location promises to be an experience but is bringing help to a place that is amongst the very most remote in Uganda.

A few thanks before we go …

SkyParkSecure – wonderful friends at the UKs leading airport parking provider who support us every year
Every school that has support the projects this year, you’re absolutely incredible and we couldn’t do any of this without your tremendous efforts. A special mention to Kincraig Primary School who funded every bit of kit at the Chilli Children Centre.

Get Involved?

We’re looking for schools to support the projects in the 2018/19 academic year. If you’re a secondary school, 25ZERO is a fantastic opportunity for your students to raise just £25 each and support a girl in Uganda with everything she needs. If you’re a primary school, Chilli Children is an incredible project to support.

We work closely with supporting schools so drop me an email if you’d like to find out more.

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