Case Study

Enquire Learning Trust

Short Background of the Trust

We are a specialist Multi- Academy Trust established in 2014, with expertise in Special and Alternative Provision academies.

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The challenges you were facing

Slow response time
Websites were very outdated in appearance
Extremely limited in what we could change
Not interactive enough
Best Solution

The Solution through Trust wide website project

I joined the Trust in May 2019 and immediately saw that the Trust was quite outdated in regards to Marketing/Media. After a few months of working for the Trust I got in contact with Schudio to carry out some website audits for us and then went on to chat to Ian Richardson about the possibility of using them as our website providers as I really liked the company and the way they worked. The Trust wide website project allowed us to open so many more doors in the way that we visually represented PLT.

We can make so many changes without going to Schudio and whenever we do have to go to Schudio for a major change the cost is incredibly lower than our previous providers. Overall the websites are 100% better than where we were at in 2019.

The Result

The benefits and improvements of provision since partnering with Schudio

  • Compliancy! This is the thing I thank Schudio for the most. I feel that PLT has learnt so much about website compliancy since we partnered with Schudio

  • Visually much more appealing websites

  • Website leads find the system so much easier to use

  • We get compliments on the design and layout of the websites

Mollie Warne
Marketing, Development and HR Officer Enquire Learning Trust

The Future

What you’re aiming to achieve looking forward

  • Create more visual content on the websites
  • Use more of the tools Schudio provide us with
  • Get more staff trained up on how to use the website software

Your Multi-Academy Trust website should make it easy for you to celebrate all the amazing things that go on right through your Trust.

We will make it incredibly easy for all your staff to shout loud about your amazing schools and all that goes on there! And we’ll make sure you don’t worry about compliance because we have you covered. We would love to chat through how we can help your Multi-Academy Trust radically transform your online presence! We’d love to chat through your exciting plans.