Multi Academy Trust Website Design: Central team control, standardised design and unique package of support

We’ve developed unique features to help designing and maintaining multiple websites in your trust incredibly easy. With Schudio, you can centralise control of all your school websites, manage key elements at Trust level, and streamline compliance management, saving time and stress for all your schools. This centralized control and standardized design significantly contribute to school improvement by ensuring consistent quality and innovative practices across all schools within the trust.


Websites Launched


Compliance Audits Completed


Trained Managers


Happiness Rating




Raised for Charities
Trusted by these leading UK Multi Academy Trusts
Built with Trusts in Mind

Unique MAT Specific Website Features

Whether you are a small and growing trust, or an established trust of many schools, our team has the experience to successfully deliver your website project, having successfully delivered website projects for trusts of just 2 schools, right through to 50+. Your dedicated account manager will guide your central team and all your schools through our tried and tested process.

Our unique range of multi-academy trust specific features help you manage as many websites as you have in your trust and as you grow, centrally, and without significant cost, contributing to providing high-quality education.

Streamlined Compliance Management Across Your Trust

No matter the size of your Multi-Academy Trust, anywhere up to 80% of your policies are Trust-wide. Our unique, innovative technology enables your Trust staff to manage these policies centrally and deploy changes and updates across all the academies in your Trust at once.

Total Flexibility Over System Access

Your Multi-Academy Trust website package will include unlimited users and the ability to control all website users centrally, right across the Trust. By using the range of different user types and totally flexible access permissions, your staff will only have access to the areas of your website that you want them to.

Online, Expert-Led Training for All

Through our market-leading online training platform, SchudioTV, teachers and every single member of staff in each of your schools will have access to CPD-accredited school website training at no additional cost. You have expert training available all year round at no additional cost and central team can easily monitor skills across your trust.

Office365 sign-in for Trusts

Microsoft Office 365 SSO: Simplify Logins Across Your Trust

Centralise and streamline website logins with our Microsoft Office 365 Single Sign-On (SSO) integration. Gain full control over access to individual websites and ensure secure, unified login management for students across all schools in your trust.

Centralised Website Login Control

Manage Office 365 logins for all websites in your trust from one place.

Enhanced Security

Simplify access management while keeping security at the forefront.

Dedicated Team of Compliance Experts

Unrivalled MAT Website Compliance

One of the biggest issues faced by Multi-Academy Trusts in regards to websites, is compliance and how it contributes to delivering outstanding education.

Our team of experts are trusted by 1000s schools every year for compliance related support. We are hands-on experts and offer exceptional levels of advice and support. What’s more our School Website Compliance Software includes specific reporting on the requirements of Trusts and our MAT portal saves countless hours of time.

Expert-Level Ofsted Compliance Audits as Standard

Every single member of the Schudio team undertakes training to understand the importance and fundamentals of school website compliance. What’s more, key members of the team have an incredibly deep insight into the best practices around compliance and The School Website Requirements Guide is trusted by 1000s schools every year as the go-to compliance resource.

Optional Annual Trust-Wide Compliance Seminar

Every year we run The Ofsted Ready Website Day at our offices in Lancashire. As a Multi-Academy Trust, you have the option for us to run this event for all your schools at one of your training days. Benefit from exceptional advice and big savings, ensuring everyone knows the key skills around website compliance.

Priority Access to Regular Compliance LiveSteam

At least once a month we run compliance webinars and Livestream broadcasts exploring the latest developments and best practices around school website compliance. Your Trust will have priority access to these regular broadcasts so that your team is always right up to date.

Multi-Academy Trust Portal

MAT Portal: Simplify Compliance Across Your Trust

The Schudio Multi-Academy Trust Portal is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for managing compliance, policies, and more, all from one central platform. Ensure every school within your trust meets DfE website requirements with ease, freeing up valuable time for school leaders. The MAT Portal supports the trust’s vision for compliance and educational excellence, fostering a collaborative environment to meet individual needs and empower students.

Centralise Compliance

Manage compliance across all school websites in one place

Update Policies Once

Update once, apply to all websites

Works with Any Website Provider

No need to change your current provider

New Features Coming Soon

Centralised Google Analytics integration and more!

“We don’t worry about our websites anymore.”

~ David Hilton, Director of Curriculum & Standards,
The Active Learning Trust
Take control of your compliance, reduce workload, and get expert support—all through the Schudio MAT Portal.
Fast, Friendly Advice & Support

Trust-Wide Exceptional Support

Our team of UK based, school website experts are passionate about providing only the very best levels of support.

Every school within your Trust and every member of your team centrally must always feel looked after and well-supported. That understanding is key to everything we do as a Multi-Academy Trust focused website business. Our team know schools inside out and are passionate about taking care of your team, ensuring the success and well-being of young people within the trust.

We Are Infinitely Patient

The phrase ‘infinitely patient’ wasn’t coined by us. We’ve adopted it because clients keep telling us we are ‘infinitely patient. We take great delight in taking all the time you need so that we know you’re happy with the results, whatever the issue you’re facing.

We Are Supportive & Knowledgeable

Through a rigorous and ongoing program of training and support, our team knows our products from front to back. When you get in touch with our team you can rightly expect the very highest levels of support from our team.

Fast Response Time & Priority Support

Over 90% of all support inquiries are handled successfully within 1 hour. That means that you can be assured of a timely response whenever you or any member of staff within your entire Trust need help.

We’re Trusted by Leading UK MATs

Our Multi Academy Trusts

We’re hugely privileged to work with a large and growing number of Trusts, collaborating with other schools to share best practices and support educational improvement, from just 2 schools up to 50+ and have launched large numbers of school websites on a single day successfully.


What They Say About Us

The Best Choice for Your Multi Academy Trust Websites

Unique MAT Specific Website Features

Your Multi-Academy Trust website should make it easy for you to celebrate all the amazing achievements and activities of children within your Trust. We will make it incredibly easy for all your staff to shout loud about your amazing schools and all that goes on there! And we’ll make sure you don’t worry about compliance because we have you covered.

Question & Answer

Most Popular Questions

Still have questions?
Contact us now! Or read our
Support & Knowledgebase

Your domain is the address your website can be accessed from, make sure you have a plan for your domain before your site is ready to go live to ensure there’s no unnecessary delay.
Usually the best domain for your new website is the one already in use. 

To use the same web address for your new website you will need to get in contact with the current administrator of your domain.
When ready to go live we’ll send some A records to update in your domain DNS settings.
Your current administrator should be able to advise you who to contact to make the required changes to put your new website live.

If you are having trouble identifying who administers your domain, please get in touch and we will try and help. (It could be your local authority, a private company or someone at school).

If your current administrator no longer wants to administer your domain, or you want to transfer that responsibility away from them you can do it yourself, or we can do it for you (additional charges apply for Schudio to manage your domain).

If you want to setup a new domain, that’s also an option, although we’d suggest only doing this if your current domain is irretrievable.

Check Our Blog for more information about domains:

All invoices are payable on 30 day terms from date of invoice. Invoices are generated when we begin work on your project.

Any recurring or annual fees will also be due 30 days from date of invoice. This invoice date will be on the anniversary of the initial invoice date.

Should your account fall into arrears action may be taken to suspend your account.


We require 30 days notice before the renewal date of a contract to cancel a subscription. Accounts which are signed up for 3 years are required to run for the full 3 year period.


Most payments are received via bank transfer, some payments are received via cheque.
If you need to pay using another method please get in touch.


Support & Hosting Payment
This payment covers the ongoing support for the use of your website.
We provide a comprehensive knowledge base to answer the most common questions, and a support system with multiple levels of impact each with specific response and resolution times.
Full details are outlined in the Schudio service level agreement.
This payment is also for making your site available to access on the web. The hosting of the Schudio CMS (Content Management System) used to manage your site and all of your files
It also includes the management of your bandwidth (traffic) and webspace (storage), so you will not reach a limit with visitors unable to access your website.

Package Payments
Your package payment is for continued use of the the licence of the software that runs the package. Package payments are payable in line with your package contract, usually every 1 or 3 years.
A school website package payment also includes the design element of the site, so when any subsequent package payments are due you will also be eligible for a design update.

We would recommend publicising it to your parents through your school website an also possibly mentioning it in a newsletter that you send out to them.
If you have signed up for a Schudio school website then you could try to time this publicity with the launch of your new website.

On every page on the site there is a button in the bottom left of the screen.

Contact Support

This is the very best way of getting in touch with us if you have a problem. When you click it a small popup box appears next to it.
Type your support request into the box and click the magnifying class or hit ‘Enter’. 

At the next stage the pop-up will show any support articles that might match the entered query. Hopefully one of these support articles can answer your question right away. Clicking the relevant article will load it within the pop-up box.

If the articles aren’t quite what you’re looking for then you can always send a message using the button at the bottom.
A very simple form with 3 fields. Subject, How can we help you? and an option to attach a file.

Knowledge Base

This is where supporting documentation and helpful articles on using your Schudio product can be found.
The knowledge base has articles covering more general topics, but also covers the specifics of a product. We would always recommend reading the relevant articles in the knowledge base as a first port of call if you ever get stuck. These are the same articles displayed within the support widget and can be viewed within the widget, or via the separate knowledge base webpage.

If you are unable to raise a support request using the in system button you can send an email to
Using the contact support buttons helps us to identify and solve any problems faster so please do use them if you need help.

Stunning, easy-to-manage Multi Academy Trust websites.