Have you tried… Updated Photo Galleries & Image Improvements

Have you tried… Updated Photo Galleries & Image Improvements


Improved Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries

The updated photo galleries module is a powerful tool as part of your parental engagement strategy and provides users with the ability to quickly upload photographs and manage them from a single location with the option then to include them within any pages of content, news articles, blogs – almost anywhere on their website. The updated photo galleries module has been a staple of the Schudio School Website CMS for a number of years, and one of the most popular and widely used modules within the system and we’ve recently made it even better!

We’ve added the option to upload photos not only from your computer/iPad, as has always been the case, but images that are already in use on the website can be added to a photo gallery. ‘Drag and Drop’ support has also been included for photo gallery uploads. A progress bar is shown when files are being uploaded to the photo gallery too.

This link with the file manager has also allowed us to link the updated photo galleries module with the powerful built in image editor. This means images in photo galleries can be edited directly, they can be rotated to the correct orientation, cropped if required or any of the other improvements and tweaks that can be performed within the editor.

Other Image Improvements

This is quite a broad grouping of improvements but they are quite wide reaching over the system. For starters anywhere that has an image upload field has been updated with two options for upload. There’s a quick upload option to quickly add an image from your device to the website content, and there’s also the select image option to select an image from the files already used on the website (or to navigate to the folder the new image is to be uploaded into).

We’ve also improved file manager to allow multiple file uploads. It’s now possible to upload a group of files in one go into file manager, something previously only possible within photo galleries.

The Schudio School Website CMS powers the features that you need to keep your website looking good, with up to date and useful content to present attractively to your school community. These image improvements are a direct result of client feedback, so please keep it coming, we listen to your feedback and will continue to improve our system to ensure it remains the best content management platform schools can use.

Take a look at our video covering some of the image improvements and updated photo gallery here:

Published On: April 18, 20162.1 min read

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