Breaking News: New OFSTED Website Requirements

Breaking News: New OFSTED Website Requirements



We aim to keep as up to date as possible with statutory content requirements for school or college websites. It helps us to build better websites, and that in turn helps you.

Having the content OFSTED require on your site and up to date keeps them happy, and ultimately your parents.

A list published just last week detailing what OFSTED looks for on your site is available here.

For example contact details – your school’s name, postal address and telephone number, and also the name of the member of staff who deals with queries from parents and other members of the public – All Schudio designed websites have the name, address and phone number on each page, make sure the member of staff is included on your site. Adding this to your contact page, above or below your contact form seems a sensible place to add this.

the content of the curriculum your school follows in each academic year for every subject

One of the schools we work with is already displaying this content excellently, as you can see below. Each aspect of their curriculum is broken down into each year group, and explains the focus and aims, and includes a programme of study.



Published On: September 25, 20141.1 min read

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