School Website 101: Link with Learning Wall

School Website 101: Link with Learning Wall


Light bulb with green background

Link with Learning Wall

We’ve already covered some great ways to improve the quality of your school website. Another of those ways is to link with Learning Wall. And at the same time you can offer a great tool to your school.

With all the different online resources and apps available for schools it’s easy to forget about them, or not use them effectively. Making those links visible on the school website is often seen as the quick fix solution to the forgotten app problem. Unfortunately it can create a new problem, lots of links often makes pages look messy, and depending on where they are on a website they can make the whole site messy.

Learning Wall is the perfect place for all of your links. It’s been specially designed to look great and be more intuitive to use and create than traditional link pages. Your school website shouldn’t be the portal for all your school links, some links will not be relevant and take up screen space, potentially distracting attention from other things on the website that you want visitors to read. When you link with Learning Wall the ugly multitude of links is replaced by a well designed elegant solution.

Learning Wall Link

What is Learning Wall?

Learning Wall is an online app that serves as a collection of links to other different websites, apps and resources. The links are organised on the page in a masonry fashion, that is that each app you add to the wall is like a brick and can be either small, medium, or large. Learning Wall then builds those bricks up to from the wall. Instead of being presented with a white page with some blue links, Learning Wall is an interactive wall that can be built up. It’s responsive of course and the wall will be rebuilt for each screen size, changing the orientation of your iPad will cause the wall to be rebuilt.

Learning Wall iPad Landscape Learning Wall iPad Portrait

All the different online apps and tools used by school can be added to a learning wall, or even added to different Learning Walls. Schools on Primary or Secondary packages have access to an unlimited number of walls with an unlimited number of apps. Walls can be created for a subject or topic, a class or year. A subject could even have multiple walls, one for classwork, one for homework, and one for revision.

All of the links that previously were on your school website can quickly be added to a learning wall, de-cluttering your website. Meanwhile Learning Wall can be used in the classroom to promote the use of those apps.

You can read more about Learning Wall here, and even sign up for a free account!

There’s also the Learning Wall community. Lots of different learning walls built for different topics and purposes, they’re all free to use, take a look and see what Learning Wall can be used for.

Published On: December 16, 20142.6 min read

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