School Website Feature Update – Multiple Password Protected Areas

School Website Feature Update – Multiple Password Protected Areas

Published On: August 24, 2023

School Website Feature Update – Multiple Password Protected Areas


How was your summer break? I am sure you can imagine things go pretty quiet here over the summer months as people head off on summer break. But we do not sit around waiting for summer to be over. We use the summer months to work on your school website feature requests. By popular demand we have made an update to the password protect functionality of your school website. Let me explain this exciting school website feature update.

Password protected areas: Before

Schudio users will know that you have always been able to password protect pages on your school website. This was a feature included early in the Schudio content management system development. It was often used for documents which needed to be shared and updated, but were not necessarily for everyone to see. You could have one password protected area per site.

However in recent months more and more Schudio users have been in touch to let us know that this feature was not meeting the needs of their school. So we decided to do something about this.

Password protected areas: After

In our latest school website feature update we have made it so you can have multiple password protected areas on your website. This means, for example, you could create pages that only teachers can see. And other pages that only governors can see. This will give you more flexibility and make your school website a much more powerful tool. You can now use your school website as a central resource and location for different groups of people across your school community.

How does this school website feature work?

The process of creating the secure areas is only slightly different to before. First, create your page as normal. But now when you tick “Password Protected” you will need select which user type should be able to access this page.

If applicable, you can select multiple groups. You can read more about creating secure areas in this support article.

We are excited to make this feature available to all Schudio users. We would love to hear how you use it at your school. If you have any other suggestions, either for new school website features or updates to existing ones then we would love to hear from you. Drop us an email at

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