Uganda Update – Your school charity project for 2023?
Uganda Update – Your school charity project for 2023?
Uganda Update – Your school charity project for 2023?

Did you know that a significant part of why Schudio exists is to support a range of projects in Uganda? Our youngest son has Down’s Syndrome, which started a fire in us. In 2015 we started visiting projects in Uganda. We wanted to make a difference, so we sought partner organisations supporting children and young people with diverse and significant learning and physical needs. Could a partnership with Schudio be one of your school’s charity projects for this year?
Since covid, it has been harder to continue this work. Some projects stalled. But, in all that time, our profits still support the children we have supported for the last 8+ years. Anita, who Ian met back in 2015, is making her way through high school and has grown into a wonderful, intelligent and capable young woman. Josephine, Joseph and Dennis are triplets who were orphaned. They are still smiling, loving life and continuing their journey through school.
Over the years, we have been able to build and fully kit out a rehab centre for children with disabilities because of the support of our partner schools.
It simply isn’t possible to do this with you.
Why partner with Schudio for your School Charity Project 2023?
Supporting one of the projects in Uganda through school is a great way to help your students understand life in a different place. Your students will have the opportunity to hear stories from Uganda of life where running water isn’t a given and, when it is available, where electricity is unreliable.
The stories are current, real and powerful. What’s more, it doesn’t take much money to transform a child’s life completely.
If you are a primary school and would expect to raise a few hundred pounds this coming year,
Would you consider partnering with us for one of your school’s charity projects this year?
Opportunities for your School Charity Project 2023
The current needs of our partner NGO look like a long list, but all are completely achievable if we partner with enough schools.
Here are the current needs which can be impacted by your generosity this year:
- Health Screen all children; we last screened them two years ago.
- There is an urgent water crisis; about 27 families need water extended to their homes by building shallow wells or distributing plastic water tanks. They walk for many hours to fetch water with so many risks involved. COST: Water Harvest tanks. 27 water tanks each at 600,000 making a total of 16,200,000 UGX; about £3,600
- Supply goats to 40 families. COST: Each goat is 200,000 Total is 8,000,000 UGX about £1800
- Purchase more land for agriculture; this will help the organisation as a demonstration farm for the farmers. Also, they will be able to grow vegetables and fruits which will be given to the youngest children supported through the project, especially those struggling with chronic illness and those without responsible guardians. COST: 35,000,000 UGX about ÂŁ7800
- Building a primary school in a very remote area in Kisoro; so far we have built the ground floor which is being used already in it’s very basic form. So, we need to raise funds to complete the building. What’s more, many children are so poor and do not pay school fees and of course, teachers need their salaries. COST: 800,000,000 UGX about 177,800
- Strong project vehicle to help the team access the tough roads; the current vehicle has grown old, and there are continual expenses to maintain it. COST: 60,000,000 UGX about ÂŁ13,500
- The organisation owns a small plot of land in Rukungiri; the vision is to build a small counselling centre. There is nothing like this in Rukungiri currently. So many people visit the offices looking for help for this so we are exploring this as a possibility. COST: using available space in Buyanja 80,000,000 UGX; about ÂŁ18,000
This is a lot, but it’s not all on us and it’s not all on any individual school. Together we can make a huge difference.
Next steps …
Nicole and Ian manage this project personally and so please, if you would like to know more about how you can partner with Schudio for your school charity project in 2023 drop Ian an email directly at
We are very excited to partner with you this coming year.