Report from Uganda – Building classrooms and making new friends

Report from Uganda – Building classrooms and making new friends


It’s been an incredible trip over here to Rukungiri, Uganda so far. We arrived in Rukungiri Town on Monday afternoon, having left the UK on Saturday morning. These trips are always incredibly well organised and so we’re eased into the building work and, in particular, the more emotional parts of the trip.

So far we’ve spent a couple of days at the building site and visited a very special project, Our Father’s House Ministries. Here’s a little update on what we’re doing.

Rushararazi School – The Building Project

It’s a very exciting project this year! We’re working in an incredibly remote part of south western Uganda. While hippos linger in the river at the bottom of the rift valley below, children are learning in terrible conditions. But they are being taught with dedication and passion by teacher who want to do the best they can for these children.

The reason we’re here is to start work on building classrooms for the nursery children. For a little bit more of an intro, check out my short video on Facebook, and watch out for more.

Our Father’s House Ministries

In many parts of Africa, men don’t treat their wives and families well. They struggle to provide and often turn to alcohol. They also often turn to violence towards their families. Our Father’s House Ministries supports children that have lost parents to violence, HIV/AIDs etc through a trustworthy, reliable sponsorship program.

The children are given a place at a good school, provided board and accommodation, clothes and medical care. One thing that struck me was that OFHM works with orphans. It’s a bit different to other organisations where children must have a family structure in place to qualify for sponsorship. These children really are those that are left behind.

We enjoyed a special few hours with the families. You cannot help but spend time with these people, who literally have nothing, and come away feeling a sense of joy. They are thankful for everything they have and express such gratitude, just because we are here. It’s a strange thing that you never really come to terms with or fully understand.

These are just a small number of the people that we’ll meet while we’re out here and the needs seem to be endless. The joy they offer keeps us going when we feel a bit overwhelmed by the need.

Thank you for the ongoing support. More to follow.

Published On: July 19, 20182.2 min read

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